
Saturday, March 26, 2016


It's been quite a spring break! I didn't do the myriad of chores I had planned. Instead, I focused on myself, and enjoying my time off from everything. I also tried out some new workouts...

3 pretty darn intense circuit training workouts with my wellness coach, K

1 kickboxing workout, with an instructor who happens to be my neighbor as well

Eating 25 grams of protein five times a day is not easy. I really am not a huge fan of supplemental protein in the form of powders or bars, though I've been using a lot of them lately. I'm also not huge on eating meat two-three times a day, which I've been doing in order to hit my protein goals. And I really dislike eating within half an hour of waking up.

But, I've been told I will get used to eating early. And I am researching other protein options (tofu, more beans, quinoa, etc.), so that it isn't all supplements and meat.

I think, since my baseline protein goal is 110 grams a day (not the 125+ I've been cramming down, though that was a strong recommendation), I can cut back a bit on the snacks. I like eating three meals a day, albeit not huge ones, and I can handle a snack or two on top of that. And I should still be able to hit at least 110-125 grams of protein daily, without too much trouble! So that's my goal for tomorrow... to test run and see how I feel at the end of the day.

I am sticking with the water though. Seriously, I felt bloated the first couple of days of drinking a gallon of water, but that passed quickly, and now drinking 6 of my 24-oz water bottles daily seems pretty normal and very doable, especially if I get the first 3 down by 1 pm.

image courtesy of

And, despite advice to the contrary, I have weighed myself a few times this week, with unhappy results. At first, I gained a pound and a half. Now it's back down to last week's weigh-in level.

But, I have lost inches this week, so that's what is getting me through. I've posted the changes below.

Nov. 20, 2015 vs. Jan. 22, 2016 vs. March 26, 2016

Weight: 200.6... 196.8 (-3.8)... 189.6 (-7.2; -11 total)

Bust: 43 inches... same... 42 inches (-1 inch)

Waist: 39 inches... 37 inches (-2 inches!)... 35 inches (-2 inches; -4 inches total)

Hips: 45 inches... 44.5 (-0.5 inches)... 43 inches (-1.5 inches; -2 inches total)

Thighs: 25.5 inches [each]... same... 25 inches (-0.5 inches)

Upper arms: 14 inches [each]... 13.5 (-0.5 inches)... 13 inches (-0.5 inches; -1 inch total)

Neck: 14 inches... 13.5 (-0.5 inches)... 13 inches (-0.5 inches; -1 inch total)

Clothing size: 14/16/18... same... 14 solid, so down 1-2 sizes!

So, beyond diet, how am I planning this week's exercise? Well, on Tuesday and Thursday, I will be trying out a 45 minute karate class with my neighbor/instructor. Besides that, on Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday, I will either do circuit training on my own, or an Insanity workout. Today, I'm taking it "easy", with a core workout (lots of plank work!) and a 3 mile family walk.

Here's a good inspirational start to a good week!

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