
Friday, November 20, 2015


I've decided that, to help keep me honest and on track, I will post certain stats every Friday... weight every week, and measurements once a month.

So here goes nothing....

(And yes, this makes me a tad uncomfortable... I feel so exposed)

Weight: 200.6 as of this morning

Bust: 43 inches

Waist: 39 inches

Hips: 45 inches

Thighs: 25.5 inches [each]

Upper arms: 14 inches [each]

Neck: 14 inches

Clothing size: 14/16

And now I feel officially huge.

But I know I can change. I can make those numbers very different.

This weekend, I am trying a workout I picked up at the library: Iron Yoga, which takes two exercises I don't do enough of—weight training and yogaand combines them. It's outside the norm for me, but that could be a good thing! I had been working through the C25K app training as well, but I think I have my first shin splint, and running is on the painful side. So I am trying other exercises while it heals, and then I am looking at a more gradual approach to running.

*Now, about those calories... I know my friend K said not to go below 1600, but I have lost precisely ONE pound in THREE weeks. That's slower than a snail's pace. And I felt uncomfortably full about half the time. (Okay, but to be totally honest, I do fit in a smaller size of pants, so there is that). And I was getting obsessive about counting grams of protein and calories every day.

So I'm taking a break from calorie counting, and just eating good, real food, in reasonable portion sizes, and of course, I weigh myself daily.

So how about an update on The Girl? Truthfully, I have not been keeping on top of her fitness like I should. Like I need to. First, let me explain that she is homeschooled, so she's at home, a lot. And she spends most of her time sitting. About 3/4 of the year, she does roller derby, which involves a lot of exercise and hard skating, twice a week, for a minimum of an hour and a half. But right now, the season is over, so she's not doing that at all. She watching YouTube videos and playing Minecraft instead. And she makes her own breakfast every morning while I am at work. I do stock the house with healthy options for this meal, but then I looked at her portion sizes... and promptly bought smaller ("custard cups") bowls for her beloved yogurt.

Last night we took a 2 mile, moderately paced walk. She was fine with it, so we'll be doing that at least 5 times a week. One thing that really struck me when I read Who's The New Kid? was the sheer simplicity of Heidi's 5-4-3 plan, which for them was 5 days swimming, 4 days walking, and 3 healthy meals a day. I'm making my own for The Girl, which is 5 days walking, 4 days other activities (strength training, skating, etc.), and 3 healthy meals a day. Luckily, she loves veggies and fruit, so the food part, besides portion size, should be easy enough to tackle. No, I am not putting her on a diet. It is about living a healthy lifestyle.

Tonight I have my own challenge. You see, The Husband and I have been married 20 years as of yesterday! So tonight we are heading out for dinner, and I want to make good choices. We've already decided to split the "small plate" of grilled calamari as an appetizer. Then, I though, why not stick with the small plate approach (the Grilled Moroccan Chicken Wings sound so good!) and get a side of veggies? Or, if I don't see a good option there, or the size is ridiculously small, I will set aside half the food I get with a "large" plate. And we can split a dessert. I'm not totally going to deny myself deliciousness with such a momentous occasion!

So, with all that said, have a great weekend, and again, I'll leave you with a motivational meme!

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