
Thursday, March 31, 2016

Trying New Things...

For years and years, I have put off trying new things. "Oh, I'll try them when I'm thin enough", I've told myself.

I was "weighting".

image courtesy of
I've stepped outside my comfort zone the last couple of weeks for sure.
I've done [assisted] pull-ups
all kinds of plyometric exercises that made me very sore

And I've found, through all of it, that the soreness is totally worthwhile. I felt vibrant, aware, more fit, and generally calmer. Exercise totally pays off!

Except I've been falling down on that this week. Last week, with spring break, it was a lot easier to get up and move. This week, I'm back to a full work + school load, so it's a little more challenging. So I've been scouring the internet for quick, efficient, and challenging workouts, and here is what I have come up with:

I'm definitely going to give this a try, although some of it looks pretty tough! (And a side note... I'll be jogging/walking wherever it says to run a mile or more).

So, for example, today being Thursday, I would need to do:
10 pushups
20 tricep dips
50 Russian twists
30 reverse lunges
40 bicycle crunches

Add to that a quick mile walk on my break this morning, and a 2.5-3 mile walk/jog this evening when the kids are in parkour/roller derby, and I think I'm good to go!

Another option is this 30 day challenge from Betty Rocker:

Today's email asked me to do:
Warm Up: 
1- Air Jump Rope (30 seconds) 
2- Jumping Jacks (30 seconds) 

Format: do 3 rounds; do each move for 0:30, taking little rest between moves and rounds 
1- Sumo Squats (0:30) 
2- Superman Extensions (0:30) 
3- Burpees (0:30) 
4- Floor Wipers (0:30) 
5- Star Plank Walk Outs (0:30) 
6- Single Leg Deadlift to Lunge (0:15 each side) 
7- Alternating Crescent Kicks (0:30)

And, each daily email contains a link to a video, so you can watch and then workout, or workout with Betty's guidance. 

So, now I just have to choose which to do... both might be a little much, though I could certainly try it, as long as they are spread out from each other timewise! 

And, in other trying-something-new news...

I'm doing my first 5k Mud Run (walk/jog?) on Sunday, with my kids!

image courtesy of

I'm both nervous, and pretty darn excited, about it!

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