
Sunday, July 26, 2015

Baby Steps... Day 1

Hi, I'm G, and I am overweight.

I am a 42 year old mom of two, married for 20 years this fall. I work as a part-time secretary, part-time tutor, part-time student, full-time mom and wife. While I am a generally healthy, and relatively happy, woman, I've had issues with my weight for years. I've lost up to 50 pounds at a time, only to gain it back, because I did what everyone does... diet it off, then binge it back on. Over the years that I have been doing this, I've looked at the "normal" people enviously...those that seem to have no issues with their food, their weight. I've looked at glamorous larger women enviously, wondering why I can't accept myself the way they do. And all along, I've wanted to be thinner, able to do more, healthier.

Not skinny, mind you. I have a stockier frame, so that's not happening. But I can tell you, that at 5'7", I should not weigh as much as I do. Yesterday, I clocked in on the scale at 203.8. And I have a 12 year old daughter who has been getting chubbier over the years, so I feel now, more than ever, I need to be setting a good example. A healthy, active example.

Instead, I look like this....

So, here I go! My journey has begun. I am on my second day of healthy eating, with well-planned meals, and plans to do strength training alongside the cardio today, using our Bowflex and treadmill.

I'll leave you with some more pictures that help illustrate why I want to change... sorry they are blurry: